TuxFamily needs your help
Help us fill the penguin!
Currently, our total donations amount to 4375.06 €, 109% of our target (4000 €). Still -375 to go!
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If you are in France, you will need the following information:
Name: x
Bank ID: x
Desk ID: x
Account ID: x
RIB Key: x
For an international wire transfer, use the following:
BIC: x
If you are in France, you can send a cheque (check) payable to TuxFamily.org here:
Association TuxFamily.org
chez Manuel Menal
12 bis, rue Sainte-Isaure
75018 Paris
A quick and secure way to donate, if you can't use wire transfer.
Donate a small amount every month using Flattr! A very good way to help TuxFamily, if you can't use wire transfer.
Why donate?
TuxFamily.org is a free hosting service for free (as in free speech) projects. We depend on your donations to buy and maintain our servers.
To help us improve our quality of service for hosted projects and visitors, we need to replace several of our core servers, including our web servers. This campaign's goal is to get the necessary funds and still have enough money to face a major hardware failure.
Helping TuxFamily.org
TuxFamily.org is a volunteer organization. You can join us or giving a bit of your free time.
Thank you for all the fish!
221 donors have contributed 4375.06 so far. Several others asked to remain anonymous. We want to thank them all sincerely for their support - we'll do our best to make TuxFamily a better service for you all!